Innovation and Research

Lombardy Cosmetics System

Vision & Mission

Lombardy Cosmetics System aims to support the creation of a network around several actors, identify key competences and foster innovative projects and collaborative activities development.

This partnership, which includes 14 actors – both from public and private sectors – settles as a first pioneering group of firms and entities representative of the whole regional supply chain, characterized by growing strategic relevance. The partnership was born from the interest to formalize the passage from close and selective aggregation to process of ecosystem development of the supply chain, that guarantee an inclusive approach opened to new collaboration, in the framework of the challenges defined by the Lombardy Region Smart Specialization Stategy.

Aim of the Agreement

The ambition of the partnership is to cultivate relationships that nourish the emergence of a common vision for the development of the Lombardy Cosmetics System and the common identification of investment objective in research, innovation and education, as levers of for the whole system growth. The innovative characteristic of this model lays in the transversal, multidisciplinary, almost holistic, approach, with a strong international dimension and synergies between businesses and academic entities, for innovation and human capital growth.


The project is directed by REI – Reindustria Innovazione, in collaboration with five Universities Polytechnic of Milan, University of Milan, Catholic University of Milan, University of Milan – Bicocca, University of Pavia and two cosmetics association, Cosmetica Italia and Cosmetics Polo, and some public actors.

For more information, visit the website